Dry mass photometry of single bacteria using quantitative wavefront microscopy

Biophysical journal(2023)

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Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) represents a noninvasive alternative to fluorescence microscopy for cell observation with high contrast and for the quantitative measurement of dry mass (DM) and growth rate at the single-cell level. While DM measurements using QPM have been widely conducted on mammalian cells, bacteria have been less investigated, presumably due to the high resolution and high sensitivity required by their smaller size. This article demonstrates the use of cross-grating wavefront microscopy, a high-resolution and high-sensitivity QPM, for accurate DM measurement and monitoring of single microorganisms (bacteria and archaea). The article covers strategies for overcoming light diffraction and sample focusing, and introduces the concepts of normalized optical volume and optical polarizability (OP) to gain additional information beyond DM. The algorithms for DM, optical volume, and OP measurements are illustrated through two case studies: monitoring DM evolution in a microscale colony-forming unit as a function of temperature, and using OP as a potential species-specific signature.
dry mass photometry,single bacteria
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