
Prevalence of Equine Parvovirus-Hepatitis in Healthy Broodmares in Ontario, Canada.


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Equine parvovirus-hepatitis (EqPV-H) was first reported from the serum and liver tissue of a horse diagnosed with Theiler's disease in the United States in 2018. Theiler's disease, also known as equine serum hepatitis, is a severe hepatitis with fulminant hepatic necrosis. The disease has most frequently been reported following the administration of equine-origin biological products; however, it has also been reported in in-contact horses with no prior biologic administration. EqPV-H has been detected in clinically healthy horses in North America (USA, Canada), Europe (Germany, Austria, Slovenia), Asia (China, South Korea), and South America (Brazil). Previous prevalence studies conducted worldwide have shown the presence of EqPV-H DNA in serum or plasma ranging from 3.2 to 19.8%. This study investigated the prevalence of EqPV-H DNA in 170 healthy broodmares of various breeds located on 37 farms in southern Ontario, Canada. The occurrence of EqPV-H infection was determined by quantitative PCR for EqPV-H DNA in serum samples. The effects of age, breed, season, pregnancy status, and equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) vaccination history on EqPV-H status were also investigated. There was a prevalence of 15.9% (27/170) with viral loads of EqPV-H ranging from detectable to 2900 copies/mL. Statistical analysis showed that increasing age was a significant factor in the detection of EqPV-H DNA. Neither breed, season, pregnancy status, nor EHV-1 vaccination history was significant in predicting EqPV-H infection status.
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