Mexican-American Women’s Lifelong Residence in the United States Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Gastroschisis: A Population-Based Study

Shayna D. Hibbs, Sofia I. Girod Salgado, Julia Howland,Clarissa Najera,Kristin M. Rankin,James W. Collins

The Journal of pediatrics(2023)

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Objective To determine whether nativity is associated with abdominal wall defects among births to Mexican-American women. Study design Using a cross-sectional, population-based design, stratified and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed on the 2014-2017 National Center for Health Statistics live-birth cohort dataset of infants of US-born (n = 1 398719) and foreign-born (n = 1 221 411) Mexican-American women. Results The incidence of gastroschisis was greater among births to US-born compared with Mexico-born Mexican-American women: 36.7/100 000 vs 15.5/100 000, RR = 2.4 (2.0, 2.9). US-born (compared with Mexico-born) Mexican-American mothers had a greater percentage of teens and cigarette smokers, P < .0001. In both sub-groups, gastroschisis rates were greatest among teens and decreased with advancing maternal age. Adjusting for maternal age, parity, education, cigarette smoking, pre-pregnancy body mass index, prenatal care usage, and in -fant sex), OR of gastroschisis for US-born (compared with Mexico-born) Mexican-American women was 1.7 (95% CI 1.4-2.0). The population attributable risk of maternal birth in the US for gastroschisis equaled 43%. The incidence of omphalocele did not vary by maternal nativity. Conclusions Mexican-American women's birth in the US vs Mexico is an independent risk factor for gastroschi-sis but not omphalocele. Moreover, a substantial proportion of gastroschisis lesions among Mexican-American in-fants is attributable to factors closely related to their mother's nativity.
gastroschisis,nativity,Mexican-Americans,birth defects
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