Diagnostic performance and interreader agreement of individual and combined non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced MR imaging parameters in adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder

Skeletal Radiology(2024)

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Objective The aims of our study were to analyze agreement among readers with different levels of expertise and diagnostic performance of individual and combined imaging signs for the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Methods In a retrospective study, contrast-enhanced shoulder MRIs of 60 patients with and 120 without clinically diagnosed adhesive capsulitis were evaluated by three readers independently. As non-enhanced imaging signs, readers evaluated signal intensity and thickness of the axillary recess capsule, thickness of the rotator interval capsule and the coracohumeral ligament as well as obliteration of subcoracoid fat. Furthermore, contrast enhancement of axillary recess and rotator interval capsule were evaluated. Data analysis included interreader reliability, ROC analysis, and logistic regression ( p < 0.05). Results Contrast-enhanced parameters showed substantially higher agreement among readers (ICC 0.79–0.80) than non-enhanced parameters (0.37–0.45). AUCs of contrast-enhanced signs (95.1–96.6%) were significantly higher ( p < 0.01) than of non-enhanced imaging signs (61.5–85.9%) when considered individually. Combined evaluation of axillary recess signal intensity and thicknesses of axillary recess or rotator interval—when at least one of two signs was rated positive—increased accuracy compared to individual imaging signs, however not statistically significant. Conclusion Contrast-enhanced imaging signs show both distinctly higher agreement among readers and distinctly higher diagnostic performance compared to non-enhanced imaging signs based on the imaging protocol used in this study. Combined evaluation of parameters showed a tendency to increase discrimination; however, the effect on diagnosis of ACS was not statistically significant.
MR imaging,Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder,Diagnostic performance,Interreader agreement,Contrast enhancement
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