
The Moderating Effects of Trust and Felt Trust on the Nonlinear Relationship Between Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior

Psychology Research and Behavior Management(2023)

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Purpose:This study explored the J-shaped effect of compulsory citizenship behavior on counterproductive work behavior of new generation employees, as well as the separate and joint moderating effects of trust and felt trust on the J-shaped relationship between compulsory citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior.Methods:Three waves of data were collected from 659 new generation employees in China. A self-report method was used to measure compulsory citizenship behavior, counterproductive work behavior, trust and felt trust. Then, based on the cognitive appraisal theory of stress and social information processing theory, a nonlinear model was constructed and tested.Results:(1) Compulsory citizenship behavior had a J-shaped effect on job performance. That is, when the compulsory citizenship behavior level was lower, the effect of compulsory citizenship behavior on counterproductive work behavior was not significant; but when it increased to medium and higher levels, the effect was significant and stronger. (2) The moderating effect of trust (employees' perceived trust in leader) or felt trust (employees' perception of being trusted by leader) was significant. That is, when trust or felt trust was lower, the J-shaped effect was stronger; conversely, the J-shaped effect was weak. (3) The joint moderating effect of trust and felt trust was significant. That is, when trust was high, the moderation effect of felt trust was significant; conversely, the moderation effect of felt trust was not significant.Conclusion:The results identify the nonlinear effect of compulsory citizenship behavior through exploring the J-shaped effect of compulsory citizenship behavior on counterproductive work behavior and the boundary conditions in the nonlinear relationship. Meanwhile, the study provide implications for organizations regarding how to manage employees' work behavior.
compulsory citizenship behavior,counterproductive work behavior,trust,felt trust
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