Morphological changes in the anterior vaginal wall caused by aging: a scanning electron microscopy study

International urogynecology journal(2023)

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Introduction and hypothesis Collagen is a protein that confers robustness and resilience to several tissues. In the female reproductive system, collagen plays a critical role in maintaining the health and function of the vaginal walls. Aging leads to collagen reduction, which may cause vaginal dryness, irritation, and prolapse. We aim to analyze the structure and profile of collagen in the anterior vaginal wall of healthy pre-menopausal (pre-M) and post-menopausal (post-M) women under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Methods Fragments of the anterior vaginal wall were collected and processed for light and scanning electron microscopy. Histological preparations were performed at first with Weigert’s resorcin-fuchsin stain. Decellularized preparations were conducted, and the specimens were placed under an SEM to allow observation of the 3D organization of collagen. Results Decellularized preparations of the pre-M specimens showed a vaginal wall with an irregular subepithelial layer, organized with ECM projections. The subepithelium evidenced the network of collagen fibrils, which seemed to support the epithelium as a basal layer. In specimens of post-M, a fusion of a network of fibrils from different direction axes was evidenced, with plate formation observed in the subepithelial plane, disfiguring the structural organization of fibrils. Conclusions Older specimens showed a remodeling of collagen organization in comparison with younger samples of the anterior vaginal wall.
Collagen,Gynecology,Human,Scanning electron microscopy,Vaginal wall
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