Measuring photometric redshifts for high-redshift radio source surveys


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With the advent of deep, all-sky radio surveys, the need for ancillary data to make the most of the new, high-quality radio data from surveys like the EvolutionaryMap of the Universe (EMU), GaLactic and Extragalactic All-skyMurchisonWidefield Array survey eXtended, Very Large Array Sky Survey, and LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey is growing rapidly. Radio surveys produce significant numbers of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and have a significantly higher average redshift when compared with optical and infrared all-sky surveys. Thus, traditional methods of estimating redshift are challenged, with spectroscopic surveys not reaching the redshift depth of radio surveys, and AGNs making it difficult for template fitting methods to accurately model the source. Machine Learning (ML) methods have been used, but efforts have typically been directed towards optically selected samples, or samples at significantly lower redshift than expected from upcoming radio surveys. This work compiles and homogenises a radio-selected dataset from both the northern hemisphere (making use of Sloan Digital Sky Survey optical photometry) and southern hemisphere (making use of Dark Energy Survey optical photometry). We then test commonly used ML algorithms such as k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Random Forest, ANNz, and GPz on this monolithic radioselected sample. We show that kNN has the lowest percentage of catastrophic outliers, providing the best match for the majority of science cases in the EMU survey. We note that the wider redshift range of the combined dataset used allows for estimation of sources up to z = 3 before random scatter begins to dominate. When binning the data into redshift bins and treating the problem as a classification problem, we are able to correctly identify approximate to 76% of the highest redshift sources-sources at redshift z > 2.51-as being in either the highest bin (z > 2.51) or second highest (z = 2.25).
Galaxies: distances and redshifts < Galaxies,galaxies: high-redshift < galaxies,radio continuum: galaxies < sources as a function of wavelength,methods: statistical < astronomical instrumentation,methods and techniques,methods: analytical < astronomical instrumentation,methods and techniques
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