
Transcriptomic, epigenomic and physiological comparisons reveal key factors for different manganese tolerances in three Chenopodium ambrosioides L. populations.

Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB(2023)

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Chenopodium ambrosioides is a manganese (Mn) hyperaccumulator that can be used for Mn-polluted soil phytoremediation. However, the mechanism of Mn tolerance of C. ambrosioides remains largely unknown. In this study, the key factors for Mn tolerance of C. ambrosioides was investigated from the aspects of DNA methylation pattern, gene expression regulation and physiological function. We found that the two genotypes of C. ambrosioides populations have differentiated tolerance to Mn stress (Mn-tolerant: CS and XC, Mn-sensitive: WH). Although there was no difference in Mn accumulation between two types under excess Mn, the biomass and photosynthetic systems were more severely inhibited in Mn-sensitive type, as well as suffering more serious oxidative damage. More differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were downregulated in the Mn-tolerant type, indicating that the Mn-tolerant type tends to inhibit gene expression to cope with Mn stress. DEGs related to metal transport, antioxidant system, phytohormone and transcription factors contribute to the tolerance of C. ambrosioides to Mn, and account for difference in Mn stress sensitivities between the Mn-sensitive and tolerant types. We also found that DNA methylation variation may help to cope with Mn stress. The global DNA methylation level in C. ambrosioides increased under Mn stress, especially in the Mn-sensitive type. Dozens of methylated loci were significantly associated with the Mn accumulation trait of C. ambrosioides, and some critical DEGs were regulated by DNA methylation. Our study comprehensively demonstrated the Mn tolerance mechanism of C. ambrosioides for the first time, and highlighted the roles of epigenetic modification in C. ambrosioides response to Mn stress. Our findings may contribute to elucidating the adaptation mechanism of hyperaccumulator to the heavy metal toxicity.
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