
Stroke Survivors' Perspectives on Decision-Making about Rehabilitation and the Prospect of Taking Recovery-Promoting Drugs: A Qualitative Study

Exploratory research in clinical and social pharmacy(2023)

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Objectives:To investigate factors which influence stroke survivors' decision-making about their rehabilitation and the prospect of taking recovery-promoting drugs, to enhance their recovery.Methods:Seventeen stroke survivors who had undertaken stroke rehabilitation, and three spouses, participated in focus groups and individual interviews in northern Queensland, Australia. Inductive thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted in accordance with Braun and Clarke's six-phase process.Results:Two specific, pivotal decision points during participants' stroke recovery process were identified: 1) overall, when deciding what rehabilitation they would undertake and hypothetically what recovery-promoting drugs they would take, and 2) on a daily basis, when deciding whether to participate in rehabilitation and take recovery-promoting drugs on any given day. Six themes which described factors influencing their decision-making were: 'My options for rehabilitation and recovery-promoting drugs'; 'The costs of rehabilitation and recovery-promoting drugs'; 'My recovery goals'; 'What I can deal with today'; 'The people my rehabilitation and recovery-promoting drugs affect'; and 'Fitting rehabilitation and recovery-promoting drugs into my life.' These themes were applicable at either one or both of the identified decision points.Conclusion:Factors that influence stroke survivors' decision-making, overall and on a day-to-day basis, need to be considered to ensure they can make the best decisions for themselves to achieve their full recovery potential. Understanding the conditions under which a stroke survivor would take a recovery-promoting drug will contribute to the development of dosing protocols to which stroke survivors could adhere.
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