In vivo analyses reveal hippocampal subfield volume reductions in adolescents with schizophrenia, but not with major depressive disorder.

Journal of psychiatric research(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Adult studies have reported atypicalities in the hippocampus and subfields in patients with schizophrenia (SCZ) and major depressive disorder (MDD). Both affective and psychotic disorders typically onset in adolescence, when human brain develops rapidly and shows increased susceptibility to adverse environments. However, few in vivo studies have investigated whether hippocampus subfield abnormalities occur in adolescence and whether they differ between SCZ and MDD cases. METHODS:We recruited 150 adolescents (49 SCZ patients, 67 MDD patients, and 34 healthy controls) and obtained their structural images. We used FreeSurfer to automatically segment hippocampus into 12 subfields and analyzed subfield volumetric differences between groups by analysis of covariance, covarying for age, sex, and intracranial volume. Composite measures by summing subfield volumes were further compared across groups and analyzed in relation to clinical characteristic. RESULTS:SCZ adolescents showed significant volume reductions in subfields of CA1, molecular layer, subiculum, parasubiculum, dentate gyrus and CA4 than healthy controls, and almost significant reductions, as compared to the MDD group, in left molecular layer, dentate gyrus, CA2/3 and CA4. Composite analyses showed smaller volumes in SCZ group than in healthy controls in all bilateral composite measures, and reduced volumes in comparison to MDD group in all left composite measures only. CONCLUSIONS:SCZ adolescents exhibited both hippocampal subfield and composite volumes reduction, and also showed greater magnitude of deviance than those diagnosed with MDD, particularly in core CA regions. These results indicate a hippocampal disease process, suggesting a potential intervention marker of early psychotic patients and risk youths.
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