
Synoptic Meteorological Conditions and Contributing Factors to Air Quality During the SIJAQ Campaign


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The Satellite Integrated Joint Monitoring of Air Quality (SIJAQ) field campaign was conducted from October 10 to November 25, 2021, to assess air quality across the Korean Peninsula and validate the results of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) employing remote sensing, modeling, and satellite, aircraft, and ground measurements. To integrate all measurements collected during the campaign, synoptic features across the Korean Peninsula were analyzed. We identified cyclones and anticyclones by tracing weather charts and divided the campaign into five periods (P1 to P5): P1 - Sustained marine stagnation (October 10–28, 2021), P2 - Transitional stagnant high (October 29–November 7, 2021), P3 - Continental migratory low (November 8–14, 2021), P4 - Continental migratory high (November 15–21, 2021), and P5 - Continental migratory low (November 22–25, 2021). The synoptic features, such as the locations of stagnant or migratory cyclones and anticyclones were analyzed during the periods, in association with levels of particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5 levels) over the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA). The synoptic characteristics showed that the presence of a high pressure system was well associated with the occurrence of high PM2.5 level over the SMA, and a pattern of near-surface divergence and descending motions originating from the mid-troposphere. In addition, we identified and compared two PM2.5 level peaks caused by local accumulation and transboundary transport process. We also investigated the underlying synoptic meteorological mechanisms of these peaks in terms of large-scale dynamic variables, such as geostrophic wind speed, transient synoptic scale features, vorticity, and vorticity advection at 850 hPa geopotential height, which are responsible for transboundary transport and local accumulation-driven process of PM2.5 in the SMA.
SIJAQ campaign,Transboundary transport process,Seoul metropolitan area,Synoptic meteorological conditions
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