
Reliable Radiocarbon Dating of Fossil Pollen Grains: It is Truly Possible

Quaternary geochronology(2023)

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Radiocarbon dating of fossil pollen concentrates has the potential to reduce limitations for sample selection in chronological studies of sedimentary archives. The recent development of the technology for rapidly preparing highly purified fossil pollen concentrates using a cell sorter makes it realistic to turn this dream into reality. Before utilizing pollen as a material for dating with confidence, however, it is necessary to understand the factors that may affect the result of the measurements, and to establish criteria to assess the reliability of the radiocarbon ages produced. In this study, peat soils which are commercially available in large quantities, and are hence used as our laboratory standard, as well as the varved lacustrine sediments from Lake Suigetsu, which has one of the best terrestrial radiocarbon stratigraphies in the world, were used to assess the accuracy of radiocarbon ages of pollen concentrates and to establish an appropriate protocol for sample preparation. A pollen-rich fraction prepared by a recently proposed combined method of physio-chemical pre-treatment and cell sorter (Yamada et al. 2021) was submitted to a range of different posterior treatments and radiocarbon measurement. The results were also compared with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscoic) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic observations. It was discovered that the sample prepared by the initial pre-treatment and cell sorter were not sufficiently pure and did not yield radiocarbon ages that were consistent with the terrestrial leaf fossils. Instead, the Acid-Base-Acid treatment with ultrafiltration following on from the cell sorter step proved to be highly effective in the removal of contaminants and improve the measured ages. The comparison with Suigetsu's terrestrial radiocarbon dataset also indicated that accuracy could be improved through closer assessment using the pollen taxa composition, carbon content (%C), and stable isotope ratios (δ13C) of the pollen concentrates. The age-depth models established by the radiocarbon dating of fossil pollen grains extracted from the Suigetsu sediments agree very well with that of plant macrofossils, and even improve the precision of the combined model. As long as handling was appropriate, the pollen concentrates prepared by the cell sorter provide reliable radiocarbon ages and the method can significantly contribute to Quaternary sciences in the future.
Radiocarbon dating,Fossil pollen grains,Cell sorter,Sample pretreatment,Peat,Lake Suigetsu sediment
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