B cells and the intestinal microbiome in time, space and place

Seminars in Immunology(2023)

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The gut immune system is shaped by the continuous interaction with the microbiota. Here we dissect temporal, spatial and contextual layers of gut B cell responses. The microbiota impacts on the selection of the developing pool of pre-immune B cells that serves as substrate for B cell activation, expansion and differentiation. However, various aspects of the gut B cell response display unique features. In particular, occurrence of somatically mutated B cells, chronic gut germinal centers in T cell-deficient settings and polyreactive binding of gut IgA to the microbiota questioned the nature and microbiota-specificity of gut germinal centers. We propose a model to reconcile these observations incorporating recent work demonstrating microbiota-specificity of gut germinal centers. We speculate that adjuvant effects of the microbiota might modify permissiveness for B cell to enter and exit gut germinal centers. We propose that separating aspects of time, space and place facilitate the occasionally puzzling discussion of gut B cell responses to the microbiota.
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