
Bioenergetic Consequences of Repeated Catch-and-release Fisheries Interactions on Adult Steelhead Across a Range of Ecologically Relevant Water Temperatures.

Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology(2023)

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The biological consequences of catch-and-release angling have been studied for decades, yet little is known about the compounding effects of repeated recreational fisheries recaptures on the physiology and behaviour of angled fish. Using heart rate biologgers and behavioural assays, this study investigated the physiological and behavioural consequences of multiple simulated angling events (i.e., repeated stressors) on female steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), under current (6 °C) and future (11 °C) water temperature scenarios. While steelhead in the warmer water temperature scenario demonstrated alterations in cardiac function (e.g., increases in maximum heart rate and scope of heart rate) and evidence of behavioural impairments (e.g., decreases in chase activity and landing time) over the course of two simulated angling events, cold water treated fish had negligible change. Fish subjected to two simulated angling events under warm water temperature conditions tended to demonstrate an increase in recovery time and scope for heart rate, and a decrease in resting heart rate. A second experiment was conducted to test for sex-specific differences in the heart rate response of steelhead subjected to an increase in water temperature. Females demonstrated a higher scope for heart rate when compared to males during the event and during recovery. More work is needed to better understand the interaction between multiple angling events and recovery from these events at various water temperatures, and the biological basis for sex-specific differences in cardiac function and response to challenges. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence on the effects of repeated stressors on wild fish.
Recreational fishing,Fisheries management,Cardiac monitoring,Warming,Oncorhynchus mykiss
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