Happy, a Smartphone-based Intervention to Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviors: Usability and Feasibility Study (Preprint)


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BACKGROUND Estimates predict that more than half of all cancers are due to inadequate lifestyle choices. Smartphones can be successfully used to support the behavior change needed to prevent cancer. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to field-test Happy, a smartphone app designed to promote cancer prevention behaviors, based on tailored-messages deliver. METHODS Thirty-two participants downloaded and used the app for 28 consecutive days (4 weeks). At the end of this period, they all answered to an online questionnaire and ten of them were interviewed. Usability, feasibility, message receptivity, and perceived impact of the app were assessed. RESULTS Compliance with cancer prevention guidelines was lower than expected. Happy was considered simple, intuitive and easy to use. Messages sent by the app were considered easy to understand, providing good advices and meaningful information that grabbed reader’s attention. Participants also considered that Happy might be an effective way to promote cancer prevention. Behavioral data collected during the trial showed an increase in several cancer prevention behaviors and a significant increase in the overall cancer prevention level, 7 points in average (P=.031). CONCLUSIONS This study showed the viability of designing and implementing smartphone-based interventions to promote cancer prevention behaviors. The results suggest that Happy is usable and might help users change their behavior, making healthier choices, thus reducing their personal risk of developing cancer.
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