
Ventral Prefrontal Network Response to Alcohol in Young Adults with Bipolar Disorder: a Within-Subject Randomized Placebo-Controlled Alcohol Administration Study.


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Bipolar disorder co-occurs with alcohol use disorder at a rate 3-5 times higher than the general population. We recently reported that individuals with bipolar disorder differ in the positive stimulating and anxiolytic effects of alcohol compared with healthy peers. This study used a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over, within-subject alcohol administration design to investigate neurobiological mechanisms within ventral prefrontal cortical (vPFC) systems that may underlie altered sensitivity to alcohol in bipolar disorder (NCT04063384). Forty-seven young adults (n = 23 with bipolar disorder, 64% women) completed clinical assessment and two beverage administration sessions (alcohol and placebo, counter-balanced). Participants were dosed to 0.08 g% breath alcohol concentration during the alcohol condition and completed measures of subjective response to alcohol and an emotional processing fMRI task during the ascending limb. Timing during the placebo condition mirrored the alcohol session. Acute alcohol was associated with reduced functional connectivity between the insula - subcallosal cingulate cortex, and increased connectivity between the left nucleus accumbens - ventromedial PFC in bipolar disorder, but with no change in functional connectivity between these regions in healthy peers. Alcohol-related increases in nucleus accumbens - ventromedial PFC functional connectivity was associated with greater positive stimulating effects of alcohol in bipolar disorder and heavier recent alcohol use. Results suggest vPFC brain systems respond differently to acute alcohol during emotional processing in young adults with bipolar disorder compared with healthy peers, and that vPFC system responses relate to the subjective experience of intoxication and recent alcohol use.
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