Elastic power, a novel predictor of the severity and prognosis of ARDS.

Journal of critical care(2023)

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PURPOSE:To explore the predictive value of the new comprehensive respiratory mechanics parameters elastic power (EP) and elastic power normalized to the compliance (Cst-EP) in the evaluation of the severity and 28-day prognosis of ARDS patients. METHODS:The MIMIC-III database was used to identify ARDS patients under invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 48 h. Their baseline data and ventilatory variables were collected. EP, elastic energy, driving pressure and mechanical power were calculated according to the corresponding formulas. Their value in assessing the severity of ARDS was evaluated. The correlation between Cst-EP and 28-day prognosis of ARDS patients was analyzed. RESULTS:EP was independently associated with the severity of the ARDS and the odds ratio (OR) was 1.301 [95% CI (1.190-1.423), p < 0.001]. It has higher accuracy for the severity of ARDS, with an optimal cut-off value of 14.6 J/min. The Cst-EP was significantly associated with increased risk of death and the hazard ratio (HR) per 100 J/min × cmH2O/ml × 10-3 was 1.169 [95% CI (1.093-1.250), p < 0.001]. In addition, the 28-day cumulative survival rate of the high Cst-EP group was significantly lower than that of the low Cst-EP group. CONCLUSION:EP can be used to predict the severity of ARDS, and Cst-EP is associated with mortality during controlled mechanical ventilation in ARDS.
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