
Heavy-ions Shielding Data for Hadrontherapy Application with Monte Carlo Methods.

Francesco Bonforte,Michele Ferrarini,Antonio D'Angola,Elio Giroletti, Daniele Introini

Radiation protection dosimetry(2023)

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In hadrontherapy centers, ion beams are accelerated by a cyclotron or synchrotron through electric and magnetic fields and, once the treatment energy is reached, ions interact with the patient. The interaction of the beam with magnets, other elements of particle accelerator or with the patient generates secondary radiation and the calculation for the design of the shielding is required. A first assessment of the shielding, generally made by concrete, can be performed by using Monte Carlo simulations, in which neutron yields and the ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), spatial distribution are obtained. The aim of this work is to evaluate, with a Monte Carlo approach, ambient dose equivalent values at various concrete depths generated by the secondary radiation. Simulations are performed considering helium, lithium, carbon, oxygen and iron primary beams. For existing facilities that already accelerates carbon ion, an equivalent carbon ratio is introduced to estimate the ion currents to get, in a given point, the same ambient dose equivalent as a carbon ion. Numerical results have been obtained simulating an ion beam that impinges on a thick iron or international commission on radiation units and measurements (ICRU) tissue, respectively, representing magnets and patient. The secondary radiation is transported through a large concrete shielding where ambient dose equivalent values are calculated as function of concrete thickness.
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