An Approach-Based on Allen's Interval Algebra to Provision Resources for Disrupted Business Processes.

ENASE (Selected Papers)(2022)

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This paper presents an approach that provisions resources to a set of business processes’ tasks for consumption at run-time. However, it happens that these tasks are disrupted by other urgent tasks that require immediate resource provisioning. Besides resources’ consumption properties like limited and shareable, and tasks’ transactional properties like pivot and retriable, disruptions make tasks suspend their ongoing execution, so they release their resources to the disrupting tasks that now need to be executed. These resources were initially assigned to what is now referred to as disrupted tasks. To consider the intrinsic characteristics of the consumption properties, transactional properties, and disruptions when resources are provisioned to disrupted/disrupting tasks, the approach adopts Allen’s interval algebra to ensure a free-of-conflict consumption of resources. A system demonstrating the technical doability of the approach based on a case study about loan applications and a real dataset is presented in the paper, as well.
interval algebra,processes,provision resources,approach-based
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