Quantum metrology enhanced by the XY spin interaction in a generalized Tavis-Cummings model


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Quantum metrology is recognized for its capability to offer high-precision estimation by utilizing quantum resources, such as quantum entanglement. Here, we propose a generalized Tavis-Cummings model by introducing the XY spin interaction to explore the impact of the many-body effect on estimation precision, quantified by the quantum Fisher information (QFI). By deriving the effective description of our model, we establish a closed relationship between the QFI and the spin fluctuation induced by the XY spin interaction. Based on this exact relation, we emphasize the indispensable role of the spin anisotropy in achieving the Heisenberg-scaling precision for estimating a weak magnetic field. Furthermore, we observe that the estimation precision can be enhanced by increasing the strength of the spin anisotropy. We also reveal a clear scaling transition of the QFI in the Tavis-Cummings model with the reduced Ising interaction. Our results contribute to the enrichment of metrology theory by considering many-body effects, and they also present an alternative approach to improving the estimation precision by harnessing the power provided by many-body quantum phases.
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