Cognitive Flexibility Is Selectively Impaired by Radiation and Is Associated with Differential Recruitment of Adult-Born Neurons


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Exposure to elevated doses of ionizing radiation, such as those in therapeutic procedures, catastrophic accidents, or space exploration, increases the risk of cognitive dysfunction. The full range of radiation-induced cognitive deficits is unknown, partly because commonly used tests may be insufficiently sensitive or may not be adequately tuned for assessing the fine behavioral features affected by radiation. Here, we asked whether gamma-radiation might affect learning, memory, and the overall ability to adapt behavior to cope with a challenging environment (cognitive/behavioral flexibility). We developed a new behavioral assay, the context discrimination Morris water maze (cdMWM) task, which is hippocampus-dependent and requires the integration of various contextual cues and the adjustment of search strategies. We exposed male mice to 1 or 5 Gy of gamma rays and, at different time points after irradiation, trained them consecutively in spatial MWM, reversal MWM, and cdMWM tasks, and assessed their learning, navigational search strategies, and memory. Mice exposed to 5 Gy performed successfully in the spatial and reversal MWM tasks; however, in the cdMWM task 6 or 8weeks (but not 3weeks) after irradiation, they demonstrated transient learning deficit, decreased use of efficient spatially precise search strategies during learning, and, 6weeks after irradiation, memory deficit. We also observed impaired neurogenesis after irradiation and selective activation of 12-week-old newborn neurons by specific components of cdMWM training paradigm. Thus, our new behavioral paradigm reveals the effects of gamma-radiation on cognitive flexibility and indicates an extended timeframe for the functional maturation of new hippocampal neurons.
cognitive flexibility,context discrimination,gamma-radiation,hippocampal neurogenesis,search strategies,spatial learning
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