Partition Crossover can Linearize Local Optima Lattices of k-bounded Pseudo-Boolean Functions.


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When Partition Crossover is used to recombine two parents which are local optima, the offspring are all local optima in the smallest hyperplane subspace that contains the two parents. The offspring can also be organized into a non-planar hypercube "lattice." Furthermore, all of the offspring can be evaluated using a simple linear equation. When a child of Partition Crossover is a local optimum in the full search space, the linear equation exactly determines its evaluation. When a child of Partition Crossover can be improved by local search, the linear equation is an upper bound on the evaluation of the associated local optimum when minimizing. This theoretical result holds for all k-bounded Pseudo-Boolean optimization problems, including MAX-kSAT, QUBO problems, as well as random and adjacent NK landscapes. These linear equations provide a stronger explanation as to why the "Big Valley" distribution of local optima exists. We fully enumerate a sample of NK landscapes to collect frequency information to complement our theoretical results. We also introduce new algorithmic contributions that can 1) expand smaller lattices in order to find larger lattices that contain additional local optima, and 2) introduce an efficient method to find new improving moves in lattices using score vectors.
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