
Solvent Effect on the Photonic and Optoelectronic Characteristics of 7-Acetoxy-6-(2,3-dibromopropyl)-4,8-dimethylcoumarin

Journal of Electronic Materials(2023)

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The photonic and optoelectronic properties of 7-acetoxy-6-(2,3-dibromopropyl)-4,8-dimethylcoumarin (abbreviated as 7ADDC) were experimentally investigated by using data obtained from the UV–Vis spectra in solution phase. UV–Vis absorption spectra were recorded in 1,4-dioxane, chloroform, and dichloromethane (DCM) solvents, and also in different molarities of chloroform solution. Many parameters, such as molar ( ε ) and mass ( α mass ) extinction coefficients, optical band gap ( E g ), transmittance ( T ), refractive index ( n ), angles of incidence (∅_1) and refraction (∅_2) , contrast ( α c ), molecular absorption cross-section ( σ_abs ), and optical ( σ_optical ) and electrical ( σ_electrical ) conductance, were obtained experimentally for solutions of 7ADDC. It was observed that changing the solvents with different physical and chemical features and their concentrations are effective tools for tunable photonic and optoelectronic parameters. One of the most important results obtained in this study is that σ_optical and σ_electrical increase almost 30 times with the increase of concentration. The direct band gap of 7ADDC in the studied solutions was in the range of 3.5–3.6 eV. Investigation of the molarity effect in chloroform indicated that increasing molarity gives rise to 0.08 eV lower E g . Considering the lowest E g value, chloroform (3.5947 eV) can be preferred, but DCM can also provide advantages in the application of 7ADDC molecule-based optoelectronic devices due to its relatively higher T
Optoelectronic,coumarine,solvent effect,band gap,refractive index,conductance
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