
Additional Enhancement of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectra of Myoglobin Precipitated under Action of Laser Irradiation on Self-Assembled Nanostructured Surface of Ag Films


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The modifications of the microstructure of myoglobin deposited onto SERS-active Ag-based substrates by drying a drop of aqueous solution with and without laser irradiation and the corresponding surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra are studied. It is shown that drying with laser irradiation leads to the formation of protein aggregates of various types, including crystal-like aggregates. It is also shown that after such drying, the aggregates generally have SERS spectra characterized by a change in the position of the vibration bands and the ratios of their amplitudes compared to the spectra of proteins dried without additional treatment. In particular, parts of the SERS spectra of aggregates formed under laser irradiation are characterized by an additional enhancement (up to 100x) compared to the SERS spectra of myoglobin dried in air at room temperature. The crystallization processes were modeled using the results of atomic force microscopy morphology studies of dried myoglobin on the SERS-active substrates to determine the conditions under which crystal-like aggregates start to grow at surface irregularities, specifically those with a volume close to that of the critical-size nucleus, and where the lowest energy of formation occurs. A correlation is established between surface irregularities, the amplitude, and the change in the SERS spectra during the drying of a myoglobin solution sample on a nanostructured Ag-based surface.
myoglobin,surface-enhanced Raman scattering,thin silver films,self-assembled nanostructured surface
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