Analysis of the adhesively bonded composite double cantilever beam specimen with emphasis on bondline constraint, adherend through-thickness flexibility and fracture process zone relative size


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The double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen is widely used to characterise the mode I fracture of adhesive joints. This paper analyses some particular characteristics of adhesively bonded composite DCB specimens which could affect test results. Three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) finite element analyses (FEA) were conducted in order to evaluate the effects bondline constraint and adherend through-thickness flexibility on the specimen response. Since beam theory-based data reduction schemes are widespread, beam models were also employed to analyze the effects of adherend through-thickness flexibility and fracture process zone relative size. It is shown that, although composite adherends are usually thinner and have much lower transverse moduli than metal adherends, the level of bondline constraint is similarly high. This may: limit the level of adhesive plastic deformations in the fracture process zone; generate high bondline tractions that increase the likelihood of interface failure and interlaminar damage in the composite adherends. The present analyses also show relevant effects of adherend through-thickness flexibility in the adhesive elastic loading stage. Finally, smaller fracture process zones relative to metal adherend DCB specimens were predicted by a beam cohesive zone model. This may explain lower fracture energy values reported with composite adherends in some studies.
Adhesively bonded composites,double cantilever beam specimen,cohesive zone modelling,>
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