
A Multi-Point Synergistic Gradient Evolution Method for Topology Optimization Leveraging Neural Network with Applications in Converged and Diverse Designs

Computational Mechanics(2023)

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Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been shown to be effective in aiding topology optimization (TO). This paper proposes an artificial neural network (ANN)-based structural TO method, where the advantages of both the traditional gradient-based methods and the population-based approaches are combined to achieve the converged design or design diversity efficiently. In this method, we adopted the ANN as the structural descriptor for a population of structures that broadly samples the design space and the popular gradient-based solution framework (i.e., the solid isotropic material with penalization, SIMP) to integrate the ANN and finite element analysis of the structures. In such a solution framework, the weights and bias associated with the ANN become the design variables to re-parameterize the density fields of a set of designs used in SIMP but independent of the finite element mesh. These design variables are optimized via the ANN's built-in back-propagation, where a group of points in the design space synergistically evolve under the gradient-based solution framework. Novel loss functions encoding all the sampled structural performances and topology awareness are proposed, including a competitive mechanism-based loss function for converged design and a population diversity-preserving strategy-based loss function to obtain diverse and competitive designs. Correspondingly, a combination of the adjoint method and automatic differentiation algorithm is introduced for the sensitivity analysis. We refer to this method as a multi-point synergistic gradient evolution method. Its efficiency and applicability are demonstrated through 2D and 3D examples. The proposed method is expected to serve as a powerful design tool and further advance the use of AI in TO.
Topology optimization,Population-based algorithm,Neural network,Diverse designs,Loss function
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