Benchmark Test Study of Localized Digital Streamer System


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The use of ultra-high-resolution (UHR) seismic surveys to preceisly characterize coastal and shallow structures have increased recently. UHR surveys derive a spatial resolution of 3.125 m using a high-frequency source (80 Hz to 1 kHz). A digital streamer system is an essential module for acquiring high-quality UHR seismic data. Localization studies have focused on reducing purchase costs and decreasing maintenance periods. Basic performance verification and application tests of the developed streamer have been successfully carried out; however, a comparative analysis with the existing benchmark model was not conducted. In this study, we characterized data obtained by using a developed streamer and a benchmark model simultaneously. Tamhae 2 and auxiliary equipment of the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources were used to acquire 2D seismic data, which were analyzed from different perspectives. The data obtained using the developed streamer differed in sensitivity from that obtained using benchmark model by frequency band.However, both type of data had a very high level of similarity in the range corresponding to the central frequency band of the seismic source. However, in the low frequency band below 60 Hz, data obtained using the developed streamer showed a lower signal-to-noise ratio than that obtained using the benchmark model.This lower ratio can hinder the quality in data acquisition using low-frequency sound sources such as cluster air guns. Three causes for this difference were, and streamers developed in future will attempt to reflect on these improvements.
ultra-high-resolution seismic survey,seismic streamer,digital streamer,survey equipment
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