
From Theory to Practice: Optimisation of Available Information for Landslide Hazard Assessment in Rome Relying on Official, Fragmented Data Sources


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The definition of landslide hazard is a step-like procedure that encompasses the quantification of its spatial and temporal attributes, i.e., a reliable definition of landslide susceptibility and a detailed analysis of landslide recurrence. However, available information is often incomplete, fragmented and unsuitable for reliable quantitative analysis. Nevertheless, landslide hazard evaluation has a key role in the implementation of risk mitigation policies and an effort should be done to retrieve information and make it useful for this purpose. In this research, we go through this topic of optimising the information available in catalogues, starting from landslide inventory review and constitution of a boosted training dataset, propaedeutic for susceptibility analysis based on machine learning methods. The temporal recurrence of landslide events has been approached here either through the definitions of large-scale quantitative hazard descriptors or by analysis of historical rainfall (i.e., the main triggering factor for the considered shallow earth slope failures) databases through the definition of rainfall probability curves. Spatial and temporal attributes were integrated, selecting potential landslide source areas ranked in terms of hazard. Data integration was also pursued through persistent scatterer interferometry analysis which pointed out areas of interest within potential landslide source areas featured by ongoing ground movement. The consequential approach led to the definition of the first hazard product of the city of Rome at a local scale functional for advisory purposes or the statutory level, representing a thematic layer able to orient the risk managers and infrastructure stakeholders.
Susceptibility,Machine learning,Rainfall probability,Landslide hazard,Landslide inventories,Interferometry
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