?Np63 overexpression promotes oral cancer cell migration through hyperactivated Activin A signaling

Experimental cell research(2023)

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Oral cancer is a common malignant tumor of the oral cavity that affects many countries with a prevalent distribution in the Indian subcontinent, with poor prognosis rate on account of locoregional metastases. Gain-of function mutations in p53 and overexpression of its related transcription factor, p63 are both widely reported events in oral cancers. However, targeting these alterations remains a far-achieved aim due to lack of knowledge on their downstream signaling pathways. In the present study, we characterize the isoforms of p63 and using knockdown strategy, decipher the functions and oncogenic signaling of p63 in oral cancers. Using Microarray and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation experiments, we decipher a novel transcriptional regulatory axis between p63 and Activin A and establish its functional significance in migration of oral cancer cells. Using an orally bioavailable inhibitor of the Activin A pathway to attenuate oral cancer cell migration and invasion, we further demonstrate the targetability of this signaling axis. Our study highlights the oncogenic role of & UDelta;Np63 - Activin A - SMAD2/3 signaling and provides a basis for targeting this oncogenic pathway in oral cancers.
oral cancer cell migration,activin
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