Observation of Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Twisted Bilayer MoTe2


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The interplay between strong correlations and topology can lead to the emergence of intriguing quantum states of matter. One well-known example is the fractional quantum Hall effect, where exotic electron fluids with fractionally charged excitations form in partially filled Landau levels. The emergence of topological moire flat bands provides exciting opportunities to realize the lattice analogs of both the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects without the need for an external magnetic field. These effects are known as the integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall (IQAH and FQAH) effects. Here, we present direct transport evidence of the existence of both IQAH and FQAH effects in small-angle-twisted bilayer MoTe2. At zero magnetic field, we observe well-quantized Hall resistance of h/e2 around moire filling factor v = -1 (corresponding to one hole per moire unit cell), and nearly quantized Hall resistance of 3h/2e2 around v = -2/3, respectively. Concomitantly, the longitudinal resistance exhibits distinct minima around v = -1 and -2/3. The application of an electric field induces topological quantum phase transition from the IQAH state to a charge transfer insulator at v = -1, and from the FQAH state to a topologically trivial correlated insulator, further transitioning to a metallic state at v = -2/3. Our study paves the way for the investigation of fractionally charged excitations and anyonic statistics at zero magnetic field based on semiconductor moire materials.
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