
High Coverage and Adherence to Dose Intervals of the National School-Based HPV Vaccination Program in Sweden During 2012-2019.

Preventive medicine reports(2023)

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Background: Close monitoring of vaccination coverage is important for cervical cancer prevention efforts. The study aims to describe the HPV vaccination coverage by dose in girls eligible for HPV vaccination within Sweden's childhood immunization program and provide an estimate on dose timing compliance.Methods: Vaccination records between 2012 and March 2019 were obtained for girls born in 2000-2006 from the vaccination registers in Sweden. The mid-time population counts for the respective birth cohorts were taken as the denominator. Full-dose coverage and coverage with at least one dose of the vaccine were calculated within the two-dose and three-dose regimen, by region. Dose compliance was calculated within the two-dose regimen.Results: Vaccination coverage with at least one dose of the vaccine was >80% within birth cohorts 2001-2006. Full-dose coverage within a two-dose and three-dose regimen were 73.4% in birth cohorts 2004-2005, and 56.3% in birth cohorts 2000-2001, respectively. Little variation was observed in vaccination coverage between regions. Dose completion was 91.8%, and 72.8% in girls that initiated a two-dose and three-dose regimen, respectively. Among girls receiving a two-dose regimen, 93.0% received the second dose 6-12 months after dose one.Discussion: In conclusion, high levels of HPV vaccination coverage were observed with little variation between regions. Dose timing compliance was particularly high in the two-dose regimen. To fully benefit from the impact of HPV vaccination, it will be important to further push the vaccination coverage and reach the girls that do not or partially engage with HPV vaccination.
HPV vaccination,Vaccination coverage,Dose compliance,Dose timing,Nationwide,Register-based
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