Clustering of uveal melanoma: County wide analysis within Ohio

Leanne M. Clevenger, Jacquelyn Wrenn,James Bena,Arun D. Singh,Katherine Tullio,Arun D. Singh

PloS one(2023)

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To determine if a greater than expected number of cases (clustering) of uveal melanoma occurred within Ohio for any specific region or time period as compared to others.Analysis of population database.Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System (OCISS) database (2000-2019) was accessed for the diagnosis of uveal melanoma using the International Classification of Disease for Oncology codes: C69.3 (choroid), C69.4 (ciliary body and iris). Counties within Ohio were grouped by geographic regions (7) and socioeconomic variables. Age- and race-standardized incidence ratios (SIR) were calculated to determine temporal or geographic clustering.Over the twenty-year period, the total number of uveal melanoma cases reported within Ohio were 1,617 with the overall age-adjusted annual incidence of 6.72 cases per million population (95% CI 6.30-7.16). There was an increase in the incidence of uveal melanoma over 20 years (p<0.001) across seven geographic regions, but no significant difference in incidence rates between the regions. There was no difference in incidence based on county classification by age composition (p = 0.14) or education level (p = 0.11). Counties with a low median household income (p<0.001), those classified as urban (p = 0.004), and those with a greater minority population (p = 0.004) had lower incidence. Less populated counties had a higher incidence of uveal melanoma (p<0.001).There is no evidence of geographic or temporal clustering of uveal melanoma within Ohio from 2000 to 2019.
uveal melanoma,ohio,county
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