Statistical Association between the Candidate Repeating FRB 20200320A and a Galaxy Group


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We present results from angular cross correlations between select samples of CHIME/FRB repeaters and galaxies in three photometric galaxy surveys, which have shown correlations with the first CHIME/FRB catalog containing repeating and nonrepeating sources: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) x SCOS, DESI-BGS, and DESI-LRG. We find a statistically significant correlation (p-value <0.001, after accounting for look-elsewhere factors) between a sample of repeaters with an extragalactic dispersion measure (DM) > 395 pc cm(-3) and WISE x SCOS galaxies with redshift z > 0.275. We demonstrate that the correlation arises surprisingly because of a statistical association between FRB 20200320A (extragalactic DM approximate to 550 pc cm(-3)) and a galaxy group in the same dark matter halo at redshift z approximate to 0.32. We estimate that the host halo, along with an intervening halo at redshift z approximate to 0.12, accounts for at least similar to 30% of the extragalactic DM. Our results strongly motivate incorporating galaxy group and cluster catalogs into direct host association pipelines for FRBs with less than or similar to 1 ' localization precision, effectively utilizing the two-point information to constrain FRB properties such as their redshift and DM distributions. In addition, we find marginal evidence for a negative correlation at 99.4% confidence limit between a sample of repeating FRBs with baseband data (median extragalactic DM = 354 pc cm(-3)) and DESI-LRG galaxies with redshift 0.3 <= z < 0.45, suggesting that the repeaters might be more prone than apparent nonrepeaters to propagation effects in FRB-galaxy correlations due to intervening free electrons over angular scales similar to 0(degrees).5.
Cosmology,High energy astrophysics,Large-scale structure of the universe,Radio transient sources
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