
Study on the Coal-Oxygen Intrinsic Reaction at Low Temperature by the Subtraction Method

ACS omega(2023)

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Coal oxidation involvescomplex physical and chemical processesas well as many reaction pathways. The subtraction method was usedto investigate the law of the coal-oxygen intrinsic reaction at lowtemperatures. The subtraction method is to subtract the characteristiccurve of the coal reaction in N-2 from the characteristiccurve of coal oxidation in air, which can remove the influence ofpyrolysis reaction, water evaporation, and gas desorption on coallow-temperature oxidation, and ultimately obtain the coal-oxygen intrinsicreaction curve under the pure oxidation pathway. To reveal the internalrelationship of the coal-oxygen intrinsic reaction between the releaseof gas products and the conversion of active functional groups, atemperature-programmed system was used to analyze the law of indexgas products. Furthermore, Fourier infrared spectroscopy was usedto analyze the conversion of active functional groups in the low-temperaturereaction process of coal. The findings revealed that the coal-oxygenintrinsic reaction obtained through subtraction played a significantrole in the release of gas and the conversion of aliphatic hydrocarbonsin the overall process of the coal low-temperature reaction. However,the alterations in the N-2 atmosphere were relatively weak.The gas release of CO and CO2 gradually increased withincreasing temperature, as did the concentration of oxygen-containingfunctional groups, and there was a positive correlation between them.
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