Establishing a clinical informatics umbilical cord: lessons learned in launching infrastructure to support dyadic mother/infant primary care.

Seuli Bose-Brill,Rachel D'Amico, Adam Bartley, Robert Ashmead, Paola Flores-Beamon, Shadia Jallaq, Kevin Li,Shengyi Mao,Shannon Gillespie,Naleef Fareed,Kartik K Venkatesh,Norah L Crossnohere, Jody Davis,Alicia C Bunger,Allison Lorenz

JAMIA open(2023)

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The Multimodal Maternal Infant Perinatal Outpatient Delivery System (MOMI PODS) was developed to facilitate the pregnancy to postpartum primary care transition, particularly for individuals at risk for severe maternal morbidity, via a unique multidisciplinary model of mother/infant dyadic primary care. Specialized clinical informatics platforms are critical to ensuring the feasibility and scalability of MOMI PODS and a smooth perinatal transition into longitudinal postpartum primary care. In this manuscript, we describe the MOMI PODS transition and management clinical informatics platforms developed to facilitate MOMI PODS referrals, scheduling, evidence-based multidisciplinary care, and program evaluation. We discuss opportunities and lessons learned associated with our applied methods, as advances in clinical informatics have considerable potential to enhance the quality and evaluation of innovative maternal health programs like MOMI PODS.
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