
Improving Awareness and Uptake of Pre-Exposure HIV Prophylaxis Amongst Service Users Accessing Sexual Health London, a Regional Online Postal Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Health Service.

Curran Caoimhe,Jonathan Spate,Sara Day

International journal of STD & AIDS(2024)

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BACKGROUND:The UK pledged commitment to the global strategy of zero new HIV infections and HIV-related deaths by 2030. PrEP was commissioned in England in 2020 and is fundamental to achieving these targets, yet awareness and uptake are suboptimal in certain populations.METHOD:Sexual Health London (SHL) incorporated questions on its e-triage questionnaire estimating need for PrEP amongst online service users. Two types of signposting messaging were shown to users directing them to more detailed online content: PrEP-discussion (potential need) and PrEP-eligible (assumed need). The effectiveness of this signposting was evaluated by reviewing demographics and triage responses in returning users.RESULTS:426,149 SHL users requested STI screening between 1.7.21-31.10.22. 16% (69,867/426,149) and 32.2% (137,489/426,149) of individuals received PrEP-eligible and PrEP-discussion signposting. The PrEP-eligible cohort were: 41.0% gay/bisexual or other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), 16.3% heterosexual males, 33.1% heterosexual females, and 60.6% were of white ethnicity. The PrEP-discussion cohort were: 9.3% GBMSM, 34.3%% heterosexual males, 45.5% heterosexual females and 63.7% of white ethnicity. 50.4% (35,190/69,867) and 41.3% (56,808/137,489) of the PrEP-eligible and PrEP discussion cohorts ordered a subsequent SHL STI testing kit, during which 10.0% (3510/35,190) and 5.9% (3364/56,808) reported taking PrEP. Of those who denied taking PrEP, 59% (18,702/31,680) and 61.0% (32,559/53,444) triggered PrEP signposting again. 95.4% of PrEP starters were GBMSM (6562/6874) and 1.4% (97/6874) heterosexual males/females.CONCLUSION:The e-service demonstrated feasibility in estimating PrEP need and signposting service users. Up to 16% of returning users subsequently commenced PrEP. This highlights significant missed opportunities for the remaining online users, who continue to report HIV acquisition risk(s). Further efforts regionally/nationally to optimise uptake of PrEP, particularly among under-represented groups are warranted.
Europe,location,prevention,HIV,viral,high-risk behaviour
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