First-Time Seizure Patients have High Rate of Abnormalities on Emergency Department Performed Brain Computed Tomography: A Prospective Study


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Background: First-time seizures comprise 15% to 35% of all seizure-related complaints in the emergency department (ED). Emergent neuroimaging of firsttime seizure patients is recommended by both the American Academy of Neurology and American College of Emergency Physicians. However, most of these studies are over 10 years old and included both adults and children. Objectives: The goal of this investigation is to determine the rate of abnormal neuroimaging in adults with first-time seizures presenting to the ED during the current era. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of patients presenting to three urban EDs with a chief complaint of seizure over 18 months. Abnormal neuroimaging findings were defined a priori and were dichotomized into acute and subacute/chronic categories. Results: Of the 2505 patients who presented with a seizure, 242 patients (9.7%) presented with a first-time seizure. The most common etiologies for first-time seizures were drug intoxication and drug withdrawal. Of those 242 patients, 29 (11.9%) patients had abnormal findings on brain computed tomography (CT). Brain CT demonstrated an acute finding in 13 (45%) patients and a subacute/chronic finding in 16 (55%) patients. The most common abnormality overall and the most common chronic finding was ischemic changes. The most common acute findings were traumatic intracranial hemorrhage and intracranial metastases. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that 11.9% of first-time seizure patients presenting to the ED had abnormal findings on neuroimaging. Our findings support current recommendations to obtain emergent neuroimaging for adult patients with first-time seizures. (c) 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
seizure,epilepsy,first-time seizure,computed tomography,neurology,emergency medicine
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