Plant–Microbe Interactions Significance in Sustainable Agriculture

CRC Press eBooks(2022)

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Plant–microbe interaction is a key process that determines the survivability of plants. The plants are covered by numerous microbes and interact with them to bring about various adaptations against environmental stresses. The microbial density in the rhizosphere region is maximum and plays a major role in providing nutrients to the plants. The diversity of microbes and their interaction with plants are greatly affected by various physical, chemical, and biological factors, which is reflected in plants' growth. The interaction between microbes and plants can either be beneficial or pathogenic, depending on the dominance of the type of microbes inhabiting. When there is a deficiency of beneficial microbes or dominance of pathogenic microbes, deformities are reflected in the plants. The supplementation of beneficial microbes to the plant for their better growth and development is done in biofertilizer application. There are various ways in which beneficial microbes of the plants perform their activity when supplemented to the plants such as rhizoremediation that involves secretion of root exudates which help in performing various interactions with the root environment; biocontrol activity, when microbes are supplemented which help in preventing the development of pathogenic microbes in the surrounding environment. The harnessing of microbes and its application to plants is key to the development of sustainable agricultural practices.
plant–microbe interactions significance,sustainable agriculture
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