
Optimizing Emergency Supply Location Selection in Urban Areas: A Multi-Objective Planning Model and Algorithm

Chenjun Liu, Wei Zhuang, Yi Zhang,Yuanyuan Wang, Fu Guo,Yating Wang

Journal of urban development and management(2023)

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The scientific location and layout of emergency material storage and rescue points in urban areas are critical aspects of emergency management.In this study, a multi-objective programming optimization model was constructed based on related theories, incorporating multiple goal combinations with different dimensions according to various disaster scenarios and urban emergency needs.The weight factors of emergency timeliness, economy, and safety were considered, and the multi-objective model optimization problem was transformed into a single-objective comprehensive optimization model problem using the weight method.The analysis decision function was utilized to study the transformation and solution method of the urban emergency rescue point location model.Heuristic optimization algorithms were employed to perform average segmentation calculations on the preset neighborhoods, constantly changing and narrowing the neighborhood range until the algorithm termination conditions were met, approaching the domain range of the optimal solution.Additionally, another precision parameter was utilized to control the accuracy of the final solution neighborhood range.The optimization of emergency vehicle scheduling was used to synergistically solve the problem of reserve rescue point location layout and optimization solution.The results of the example demonstrate the feasibility of constructing a multi-objective model with multiple combinations of different dimensions of objectives and the rationality of the Dijkstra heuristic optimization algorithm used.This study provides multiple methodologies and alternative site selection plans for decision-makers to select the required multi-objective reserve rescue point location model based on different urban disaster situations and their own emergency rescue needs.
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