Documento de consenso para la formación en ecografía en Medicina Intensiva. Proceso asistencial, uso de la técnica y adquisición de competencias profesionales

J.M. Ayuela Azcárate,Fernando Clau-Terré,Raúl Vicho Pereira, Milagros Mier,A. Carrillo López, A. Ochagavía,Joaquín Pérez, Jorge Álvarez, Lidia Sanz Pérez, J.A. Llompart-Pou,F.J. González de Molina, S. Fojón,A. Rodríguez Salgado,M.C. Martínez Díaz, Christophe Villa, Fernando Bermejo,Manuel Ruiz Bailén,M. Arroyo Díez, Mónica Argueso, José Luis Fernández Fernández

Medicina Intensiva(2014)

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Ultrasound has become an essential tool in assisting critically ill patients. His knowledge, use and instruction requires a statement by scientific societies involved in its development and implementation. Our aim are to determine the use of the technique in intensive care medicine, clinical situations where its application is recommended, levels of knowledge, associated responsibility and learning process also implement the ultrasound technique as a common tool in all intensive care units, similar to the rest of european countries. The SEMICYUC's Working Group Cardiac Intensive Care and CPR establishes after literature review and scientific evidence, a consensus document which sets out the requirements for accreditation in ultrasound applied to the critically ill patient and how to acquire the necessary skills. Training and learning requires a structured process within the specialty. The SEMICYUC must agree to disclose this document, build relationships with other scientific societies and give legal cover through accreditation of the training units, training courses and different levels of training.
ecografía documento medicina intensiva,proceso
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