Air Particulate Matters Auto-Rule-Based Labeling to Support Long-Distance Run Environment Data Classification

Wandy Wandy,Kusworo Adi, Media Anugerah Ayu

2023 IEEE 13th Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE)(2023)

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Sports Science is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary science that strives to increase athletic performance and endurance. Sport Science recognizes and prevents injuries. Sensors and statistics formalize Sports Science. Runners need coaches and teams to support them before, during, and after the run race. Coaches generate running training plans to boost performance. Running race performances may be impacted by air pollution exposure while training, so coaches should consider limiting air pollution exposure when training. One of the external factors is Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10 ). Sensors connecting to the Internet can record external factors and produce csv data. The foundation of supervised machine learning is the labeling process. Labeling a set of data is one of the laborious and time-consuming phases in every machine-learning application because it requires verifying the accuracy of the labels and making any necessary revisions. This research aimed to find a solution to automatically label numerous air particulate matter raw data using a rule based on parameters to reduce manual work, human errors and faster processes. This labeled data will later be used for supervised machine learning classification to support the coach in generating training programs for the runners in a Sports Information System. Based on Indonesia Air Quality index rule-based approach, labeled text data in csv has been generated and tested with PM 2.5 and PM 10 parameters in three scenarios with a 100% success rate. It was possible to automate the labeling process, and it explained how automation results in fast and accurate results.
air quality parameter,automatic labeling,long-distance run,PM10,PM2.5,rule-based
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