Artificial Intelligence in Career Counseling: A Test Case with ResumAI

Muhammad Rahman, Sachi Figliolini, Joyce Kim, Eivy Cedeno, Charles Kleier,Chirag Shah,Aman Chadha


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The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to various means of integration of AI aimed to provide efficiency in tasks, one of which is career counseling. A key part of getting a job is having a solid resume that passes through the first round of programs and recruiters. It is difficult to find good resources or schedule an appointment with a career counselor to help with editing a resume for a specific role. With the rise of ChatGPT, Bard, and several other AI chat programs it is possible to provide specific, automated feedback on various concerns to suggest places for improvement within the context of career counseling. This paper begins with a quick literature review on the ethical considerations and limitations of AI in career counseling. The authors also have created their own website service, called ResumAI, to test and review the functionality of an AI career counselor. The findings of this study will contribute to the understanding of chat AI ResumAI reviewer programs and sites. The implications of the findings for the field of career counseling, AI development, and ethical practice will be discussed.
career counseling,artificial intelligence
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