Open-VERSO: a vision of 5G experimentation infrastructures, hurdles and challenges

Angel Martin,Pablo Losada,Carolina Fernández,Mikel Zorrilla,Zaloa Fernandez,Alvaro Gabilondo, Juncal Uriol, Felipe Mogollon, Mikel Serón,Michalis Dalgitsis,Roberto Viola, Luis Roca, Carlos Giraldo, Pablo Gonzalez,Anxo Tato, Joaquín Escudero, Alvaro Vazquez, Daniel Camps,Andrés Cárdenas,Carlos Herranz, Joan Josep Aleixendri, Rebeca Iglesias,Gianluca Cernigliaro,Mario Montagud, Pau Tomàs,Sergio Giménez


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5G led to a digital revolution for networks by leveraging virtualisation techniques to manage software-based network functions through provided standard interfaces, which have matured recently for cloud infrastructure that is widely employed across domains and sectors. This undiscovered potential to adequately respond to concurrent and specialised traffic demands is promising for a wide spectrum of industries. Moreover, it exposes the networking ecosystem to prospects beyond the traditional value chain. However, the configuration, deployment and operation of a 5G network are challenging. Thus, different scientific and research entities have built their own open, evolvable and updateable testbed infrastructure that can be used for experimentation purposes. Such testbeds enable different stakeholders to integrate new systems or features exploiting new technologies, assess the performance of innovative services, and customise operation policies to find optimal setups from a cost-effective perspective. Furthermore, federations of infrastructure allow for wider and more complex experiments to be performed in distributed domains. However, numerous technical and procedural obstacles exist during the building of 5G network testbeds. In addition, some technical barriers persist despite the testing of alternatives and ongoing efforts within open-source systems and commercial equipment portfolios. All these limitations and challenges are relevant for experimenters and stakeholders as they attempt to determine the scope of 5G set expectations.
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