Cognitive reappraisal moderates the effect of combat or other exposures on negative behavioral health symptoms

Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association(2023)

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Understanding the individual differences that can buffer the impact of combat and other adverse exposures on deleterious behavioral health outcomes could lead to more targeted prevention and intervention efforts. Cognitive reappraisal, an antecedent-focused emotion regulation strategy, is linked to positive health outcomes such as lower levels of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. This study examined the moderating effect of individual differences in cognitive reappraisal use on the association between combat exposure and behavioral health outcomes in active-duty U.S. Soldiers (N = 2,290). This study utilized survey data collected approximately 18 months following a combat deployment to Afghanistan in 2014. Results showed that individual differences in cognitive reappraisal use significantly moderated the effect of combat exposure on anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms but not depressive symptoms. Specifically, increasing combat exposures predicted a steeper increase in negative behavioral health symptoms for Soldiers reporting lesser (versus greater) cognitive reappraisal use. These findings highlight a role for cognitive reappraisal as a targetable factor that can mitigate the behavioral health consequences of exposure to combat stressors.
Cognitive reappraisal,combat,PTSD,depression,anxiety,emotion regulation
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