
Interfacial Polymerization Produced Magnetic Particles with Nano-Filopodia for Highly Accurate Liquid Biopsy in the PSA Gray Zone

Advanced Materials(2023)

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Magnetic particles are leading separation materials for biological purification and detection. Existing magnetic particles, which almost rely on molecule-level interactions, however, often encounter bottlenecks in highly efficient cell-level separation due to the underestimate of surface structure effects. Here, immune cell-inspired magnetic particles with nano-filopodia (NFMPs) produced by interfacial polymerization for highly efficient capture of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and further accurate clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer are reported . The unprecedented construction of nano-filopodia on polymer-based magnetic particles is achieved by introducing electrostatic interactions in emulsion interfacial polymerization. Due to the unique nano-filopodia, the NFMPs allow remarkably enhanced CTCs capture efficiency (86.5% +/- 2.8%) compared with smooth magnetic particles (SMPs, 35.7% +/- 5.7%). Under the assistance of machine learning by combining with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and free to total PSA (F/T-PSA), the NFMPs strategy demonstrates high sensitivity (100%), high specificity (93.3%), and a high area under the curve (AUC) value (98.1%) for clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer in the PSA gray zone. The NFMPs are anticipated as an efficient platform for CTCs-based liquid biopsy toward early cancer diagnosis and prognosis evaluation. Immune cell-inspired magnetic particles with nano-filopodia (NFMPs) are successfully prepared, capturing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) efficiently with high sensitivity, superior to commercial magnetic microparticles. The nano-filopodia are unprecedentedly constructed on polymer-based magnetic particles by introducing electrostatic interactions in emulsion interfacial polymerization. Assisted by machine learning, the NFMPs strategy demonstrates high sensitivity (100%), enabling accurate clinical prostate cancer diagnosis in the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) gray zone.image
circulating tumor cells,immune cells,magnetic particles,prostate cancer,prostate-specific antigen (PSA) gray zone
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