Learn-able Evolution Convolutional Siamese Neural Network for Adaptive Driving Style Preference Prediction.


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We propose a framework for detecting user driving style preference with multimodal signals, to adapt autonomous vehicle driving style to drivers' preferences in an automatic manner. Mismatch between the automated vehicle driving style and the driver's preference can lead to more frequent takeovers or even disabling the automation features. We collected multimodal data from 36 human participants on a driving simulator, including eye gaze, steering grip force, driving maneuvers, brake and throttle pedal inputs as well as foot distance from pedals, pupil diameter, galvanic skin response, heart rate, and situational drive context. Based on the data, we constructed a data-driven framework using convolutional Siamese neural networks (CSNNs) to identify preferred driving styles. The model performance has significant improvement compared to that in the existing literature. In addition, we demonstrated that the proposed framework can improve model performance without network training process using data from target users. This result validates the potential of online model adaption with continued driver-system interaction. We also perform an ablation study on sensing modalities and present the importance of each data channel.
convolutional Siamese neural network,multi-modal data,adaptive driving style,automated vehicle
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