Opisthorchis viverrini Life Cycle, Distribution, Systematics, and Population Genetics.

Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres dans les recherches sur le cancer(2023)

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Opisthorchis viverrini plays a key role as the carcinogenic liver fluke causing bile duct cancer in Southeast Asia. A comprehensive understanding of its life cycle, distribution, systematics, and population genetics is critically important as they underpin the effective development and establishment of future prevention and control programs that center on opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma. This chapter provides detailed information concerning the basic biology and updated information of O. viverrini related to its host life cycle, transmission route via raw, partially cooked or fermented freshwater cyprinid fish, endemic areas, and the discovery of new foci. Previous sequential studies over the last two decades on the phylogenetic and systematic relationships, genetic variation, and population genetics of O. viverrini as well as its snail intermediate host Bithynia spp. are presented and discussed, which have led to the currently known complex species level systematics and population genetics framework of this host-parasite system. Additionally, further directions for comprehensive research are suggested to provide a more complete understanding of liver fluke, O. viverrini-related cholangiocarcinoma.
viverrini life cycle,life cycle,genetics
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