
Temperature Effect on Undrained Mechanical Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Clayey Silts in the South China Sea

Energy & fuels(2023)

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Nearly90% of hydrate resources are found in low-permeability andfine-grained soils, which requires investigation on the undrainedmechanical characteristics of hydrate-bearing fine-grained soils (HBFGSs)to accomplish safe and efficient hydrate exploitation. Additionally,factors such as hydrothermal and geothermal gradients of the marinesediments and hydrate extraction by heat injection method simultaneouslyrequire an understanding of the temperature effect on the stabilityof HBFGSs and overburden hydrate-free sediments. For these reasons,this study conducted consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial experimentson water-saturated hydrate-free and hydrate-bearing clayey silts inthe South China Sea (SCS) at different temperatures and presentedresults of temperature effects on undrained mechanical properties.This paper reveals the following and analyzes the reasons accordingly:(1) the failure strength of the hydrate-free clayey silts increaseswith temperature, whereas the failure strength of hydrate-bearingclayey silts decreases with temperature; (2) the temperature has almostno effect on the fitting line of end-of-test data for undrained shearof hydrate-free clayey silts in p & PRIME;-q space; and (3) the presence of hydrates has a considerableinfluence on the excess pore pressure response and effective stresspaths of clayey silts. The results will contribute to the understandingof the influences of environmental changes and hydrate extractionby thermal injection on the stability of hydrate reservoirs in theSCS.
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