Source-Parameter Estimation after Attenuation Correction through the Use of Q Tomography


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The measurement of earthquake source parameters is affected by large uncertainties, and different approaches lead to large variability in results. One crucial aspect is the trade-off between attenuation (Q) and corner frequency (fc) in spectral fitting: The source corner frequency, inversely proportional to the fault size, can be severely masked by attenuation and site effects. In this article, we describe a method to solve the trade-off based on the fit of displacement spectra to find the source characteristics (corner frequency, fc, and the signal moment, & omega;0) and the single-station attenuation operator (t*), in addition to the site response. We follow a parametric approach based on the use of 3D Q seismic tomography and a bootstrap-based method for selecting the best spectra fit. The correction of attenu-ation with synthetic values derived by 3D attenuation tomography efficiently deals with the trade-off between source and path terms, leading to small uncertainties in the deter-mination of source unknowns (fc and signal moment, & omega;0), thus yielding constrained esti-mates of source parameters for low-to medium-magnitude earthquakes. We show an application to the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence, for which we computed the source param-eters for 1240 aftershocks (from an initial dataset of 1748) with local magnitude ranging from 2.0 to 4.7 using the spectral fit from P and S waves. About 80% of stress-drop esti-mations are characterized by relatively low uncertainties (within 20% of the estimated values), with maximum values of about 40% for the remaining 20%. The attenuation cor-rection is effective to determine source parameters for small-magnitude earthquakes; hence, we obtain reliable estimates of source parameters for the entire aftershock sequence. This approach gives the opportunity to infer the mechanical state of a complete fault system by taking advantage of the larger number of low-magnitude events (with respect to the largest ones) that always follow a major earthquake.
attenuation correction,tomography,estimation,source-parameter
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