Colour Parameters and Changes of Tea-Stained Resin Composite Exposed to Whitening Pen (In Vitro Study)


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Background: One of the crucial factors influencing the longevity of anterior aesthetic dental restorations is the colour stability of resin composites. Bleaching and whitening have become popular methods for enhancing dental aesthetics. Home whitening techniques, such as special pens, are widely available commercially. This in vitro study aimed to determine the efficiency of a whitening pen in removing tea stains from resin composite by measuring colour differences (& UDelta;E-00). Additionally, the study aimed to evaluate the variations in colour parameters measured by extra-oral and intra-oral spectrophotometers. Methods: A total of 45 disc-shaped resin composite specimens were randomly divided into three groups; Group 1: stored in artificial saliva (control), Group 2: stored in artificial saliva followed by a whitening pen application, and Group 3: stored in tea followed by a whitening pen application. Colour measurements were taken three times for each specimen using two spectrophotometers (extra-oral and intra-oral devices); T1: before storage (baseline), T2: after storage in artificial saliva or tea for 6 days; and T3: after one week of whitening pen application in groups 2 and 3. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey post hoc test (p & LE; 0.05). The independent sample t-test was also employed. The equation of CIEDE2000 (& UDelta;E-00) was used to calculate the colour difference between the dry, as-prepared specimens (baseline), and those after storage or bleaching. The colour changes exceeding the acceptability threshold ( increment E-00 = 1.8) were considered unacceptable. Results: After whitening, the colour of the specimens stored in brewed tea (Group 3) remained unacceptable, as indicated by both the extra-oral and intra-oral spectrophotometers (& UDelta;E-00 = 4 and 2.9, respectively). Groups 1 and 2 exhibited lower & UDelta;E-00 values than Group 3 (p = 0.01 *). No significant difference was observed between Group 1 (stored in artificial saliva) and Group 2 (stored in artificial saliva and then bleached) (p = 0.3). Significant differences were consistently observed between the data obtained from the extra-oral spectrophotometer and the intra-oral one. Conclusions: The whitening pen proved ineffective in removing tea stains from resin composites. Although significant differences were found between the values obtained by the two spectrophotometers (extra-oral and intra-oral), both devices confirmed the unacceptable colour of the tea-stained resin composites after whitening.
whitening pen,colour changes,tea staining,resin composite,Vita Easy Shade
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